Wound Care Instructions

Wound Care Instructions

Items needed for wound care: 

  1. Aquaphor or a new container of Vaseline

  2. Telfa, non stick dressing

  3. Paper tape 

Wound Care Instructions: 

  1. Leave the post operative bandage in place and avoid getting it wet during the first 24-48 hours. 2. Before showering, remove the bandage and discard it.

  2. Cleanse gently the incision with soap and water just using your clean fingers and avoid any trauma to the incision site.

  3. Pat the wound dry and apply a generous layer of Aquaphor or Vaseline ointment to the incision. 
  4. Cover the wound with a Telfa dressing cut to the shape of the incision and use the paper tape to secure the Telfa dressing in place.

  5. Repeat this process at least once a day and optimally twice a day. 
  6. You can leave the incision open to air after 3 days if it is dry and no drainage is noted. You may want to keep it dressed if you will be in a less than clean environment or if your clothing irritates the area. 

General instructions: 

  1. When you get home take it easy for at least 24 hours.

  2. You may shower at any time after your surgery as long as the bandage/ dressing is kept dry for the first 24-48 hours. If it becomes wet, change the dressing.

  3. Sleep with head or surgical site elevated using several pillows when possible.

  4. To optimize healing avoid any smoking for 2 weeks after surgery.

  5. Please refrain from the following activities for 2-3 weeks after surgery: Heavy lifting over 10 lbs, strenuous exercise like swimming,running, golfing,strenuous housework or yard work.

  6. It will take 3 months for the incision to be 80% as strong as it was before the procedure. If you feel any pulling or tugging on the incision it is best to stop the activity since it could cause the incision to open up or widen the scar.

  7. Pain control: Minimize swelling by keeping the operated site elevated as much as possible.

    • A gentle ice pack to the area like some frozen peas can help with the swelling especially the first 2-3 days. 10 minutes on and 10 minutes off. It can be applied directly to the dressing or just below the incision.

    • You can use Tylenol extra strength 2 tablets every 6-8 hours for pain control and if you need to you can add Advil/Motrin 200 mg 2-3 tablets every 8 hours.

  8. If your procedure is on the lower leg, it is very important that you clean the wound twice a day with soap and water or Hibiclens solution and apply the Aquaphor or Vaseline. Keep the leg elevated as much as possible for the first 7-10 days and utilize a compression stocking if instructed.
  9. It is not unusual to have some minimal bleeding after the procedure. If you notice active bleeding, apply direct pressure to the dressing for 20 minutes then monitor. If it still is bleeding, reapply the pressure again with an ice pack for 20 minutes. It should stop by then. If not, call our office directly or go to the emergency room or urgent care if the bleeding does not stop.

  10. Monitor for infection such as increasing redness, swelling, pain, drainage, fever etc. Call our office if you notice any of the signs of infection.

  11. Any treatment for skin cancer will leave a scar. It is important to know that the scar will evolve over 8-12 months. It is important to minimize direct sun exposure on the healing incision, therefore it is good practice to put daily sunscreen on the incision beginning 2 weeks after the procedure and a moisturizing lotion on at night since direct sunlight can cause a darkening of the scar line or persistent redness. If you have a history of abnormal scarring, such as hypertrophic scars or keloids, or if there are any problems with the healing of the scar, we have treatments to optimize the result. 

Everyone heals differently and the final scar appearance depends greatly upon the individual's ability to heal.